Taiwan Head Quarter – Salaries & Benefits

Salaries & Benefits

•Year-end bonuses

•Five days work week w/Two days weekend.

•Insurance: Labor Insurance, National Health Insurance, Group Insurance

•Bonuses & benefits

  ◦Quarterly performance bonuses for Mid-Autumn Festival and Dragon Boat Festival

  ◦Regular health checks

  ◦Maternity leave


    (1)Labor Standards Act Pension System (Old System)

    2% of each worker's monthly salary is to be deposited in a pension reserve fund in The Trust Department, Bank of Taiwan.

    (2)Labor Pension Act (New System)

    Zippy contributes 6% of each worker's monthly salary to their pension accounts.

Employees’ Welfare Committee

•Regular sightseeing trips

•Gift vouchers on birthday and Labor Day

•A diversity of clubs for leisure activities

•Allowance for newborns and hospital stays

•Scholarship to children of employees; red envelops for weddings; condolences for funerals

•End-year banquets & lottery prizes